
If you’re feeling dissatisfied about any part of your experience, contact us to make a complaint. Our complaints procedure and details are set out below. Please note that we can only handle complaints regarding Farillio. If you have a question or complaint about your policy, please contact your broker or insurance provider.

If you want to make a complaint about Farillio, contact us by:

Please note that we can only handle complaints regarding the platform.

If you want to make a complaint about the platform, then you can contact us by:

and please include your username, full details of your complaint and details of how you would like us to resolve your complaint.

Please note we will never ask you for your password.

Complaints handling procedure

The following sets out our complaints handling procedure on receipt of a complaint from you:

  • We will acknowledge receipt of any complaint within 7 working hours of receipt (working hours being between 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding any bank holidays in the UK), confirming which category of complaint we have assigned to it and also providing a reference number and dedicated contact details for your records and ours.

  • If you have made your complaint over our livechat facility, we will take a transcript of the record and use that as a written record of your complaint, unless you tell us that you prefer us not to do so. If you ask us not to do this, we will request that you instead set out your complaint in writing (by email is fine), so that we can be confident that we have all the facts we need, to proceed with considering and dealing with your complaint.

  • If you have made your complaint to us over the phone or in person, we will confirm to you our understanding of the reasons for your complaint and ask you to advise us if you do not agree, or if we have inadvertently missed out or misunderstood any of your concerns. Once we have your confirmation that this account is correct, we will proceed to deal with your complaint.

Investigating your complaint

The following sets out how we will investigate any complaint received from you:

  • Your complaint will be investigated by an appropriate member of staff, who will be identified as the correct person depending on the seriousness of the complaint and the nature of it e.g. a technical, legal or other matter.
  • In resolving complaints, we will review all relevant information available to us and we endeavour to complete any such investigation and reach conclusions as soon as reasonably possible.
  • The length of time this will take will be determined by the complexity and type of complaint and the extent of the investigation required.
  • During our investigation, we may ask you for additional information to help us reach a conclusion. We will also aim to keep you updated on the progress of your complaint and the steps being taken to deal with it.
  • If your complaint is straightforward, we may be in a position to resolve it very quickly. If your complaint is insurance related, we will direct you to the appropriate organisation provided you are able to identify the insurer.
  • If we are able to resolve your complaint before the end of the second working day (working day being Monday – Friday, excluding bank holidays in the UK) after it is received by us, we will send you a ‘summary of findings and our proposed resolution’ promptly, with confirmation of the action we have taken to resolve your complaint. In all other cases we will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint promptly, normally within 2 working days of receiving it.
  • Once we have completed our investigation, we will write to you to explain our conclusion(s). Under normal circumstances, we aim to do this within 14 working days of receiving your complaint.
  • In the extremely unlikely event that we are unable to complete our investigation and contact you conclusively within 14 working days from the date of receiving your complaint, we will write to you explaining why we are still not in a position to issue a final response, giving reasons for the further delay and indicating when we expect to be able to issue you with our final conclusions and resolution.